The results from the world's largest MHD turbulence simulation are on the arXiv -- everything from cascades, scale-dependent alignment, to anisotropy and plasmoid instabilities.
May 29, 2024
I've been interested in exploring the nature of different types of viscosity and the role it plays in the dynamo for some time! This is my latest work on trying to marry bulk viscosity -- the type of viscosity generated by out-of-thermal-equilibrium vibrational degrees of freedom (only possible in poly-atomic plasmas) -- and the turbulent dynamo, giving rise to a whole new range of scales -- the sub-bulk-viscous range.
Jan 1, 2024
Jan 1, 2021
We know that the starry night is turbulent, and that the turbulence is in someway responsible for regulating how the mass density of a star forming cloud gets turned into stars. But did you know that The Starry Night is also turbulent, in that Vincent van Gogh's The Starry Night exhibits some features in k space that are oddly consistent with features of a true turbulent spectrum.
Feb 1, 2019